
Law Reform Competition

United Nations Youth and Student Association Nepal organized “Law Reform Competition” in collaboration with Forum for Law Women and Development (FWLD). In this competition more than 100 law reform papers were submitted by the enthusiastic law students from different colleges. Ms. Apurba K.C – (National Law College), Ms. Nishma Shah (National Law College), Ms. Shreya Joshi ( Kathmandu University School of Law) were selected for the final round presentation which was held at Lalitpur Bar Association Hall, Lalitpur. After the final round presentation Ms. Apurba K.C from National Law College got the first position, Ms. Shreya Joshi of Kathmandu University School of Law and Ms. Nishma Shah of National Law College secured the second and the third position respectively. The winners were awarded with cash prize of 20,000, 15,000 and 5,000 rupees.

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