
UNYSAN in association with UNIC successfully organized program on “Orientation About UN System and Exploring Role of Youth in Achieving Goals of UNICEF in Nepal”

United Nations Youth and Student Association Nepal (UNYSAN) in association with United Nations Information Centre (UNIC) has organized a program entitled ” Orientation About UN System & Discussion on the book ‘Lost In Transition’ with Mr. Kul Chandra Gautam, the former Assistant Secretary General of United Nations & Deputy Executive Director of UNICEF and ”Exploring Role of Youth in Achieving Objectives of UNICEF in Nepal” with Mr. Tomoo Hozumi, head of UNICEF Nepal at UN Conference Hall, UN House. In spite of ‘Bandh’ enthusiastic and proactive General Volunteers, Members and Executives of UNYSAN, UN Staff, interns and official had made a very beautiful presence in the program. Mr. Gautam had delivered a masterclass knowledge about UN and its system in a pragmatic way. He also delivered a comprehensive & in-depth knowledge about the prospects of Nepal’s developments in a very practical way. Mr. Hozumi have given a very fruitful data based presentation. He also had a very fruitful interaction with the participants of that program. The knowledge management associate of UNIC Mr. Rajendra Man Banepali was one the guests who made the program grand success. Similarly, many faculties of different universities, campus and college were present in the program. Mr. Prakash Banjade, National President of UNYSAN had welcomed the guests and handed over the certificate of appreciation to the guests and Ms. Bimala Dhamala delivered the vote of thanks. Mr. Madan Rai, National vice-president of UNYSAN was the moderator of the program.

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