
Ms.Bindhyawatee Rai

Bindhyawatee rai is an optimist and positively driven youth who is greatly motivated to work on the betterment of the community, country and world by being a responsible youth and citizen. She is from the eastern part of Bhojpur, Nepal. She studied at St. Xavier ’s school before getting her high school graduation from United Academy, Nepal. She did her BSc (Hons) Agriculture at Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences in Allahabad, India under the Nepal Aid Fund Scholarship. During her 4 years stay at India, she was recruited as the cadet of National Cadet Corps (NCC) under 17 UP Battalion, Allahabad where she actively leads the girls cadets by being the girls’ captain. She was also the member of the National Service Scheme (NSS), girls vice-captain of the college team. The platform she got in India has helped her to be more responsible, disciplined and humble human which has brought a sense of love and respect to any countrymen regardless of their religion, gender, race, sexual preference.

She served as a member of United States Youth Council (USYC, 2016). In the past, she worked as a member of the executive board of UNYSAN.  Since she is an agriculturist by profession and a nature lover, it was a destiny for her to take up agriculture as her main subject in university. She has worked under National Agriculture Research Council (NARC) under plant pathology department. She has also worked as an intern and consultant to Local Initiatives for Biodiversity, Research, and Development (LI-BIRD). Her main aim is to make the youths realize the value of the environment and why it’s essential to understand the sustainable goal no. 2 zero hunger to End hunger, achieve food security and improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture in an underdeveloped country like Nepal.

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