
Ms. Nirmala Nepali

Nirmala Nepali is an executive member of United Nations Youth and Student Association of Nepal (UNYSAN). She completed her SLC (School level certificate) in Dang District. She is a BSW graduate of St. Xavier’s College and an M.A in sociology from Tribhuvan University. She believes that youth are left behind in every sector due to lack of opportunities. She urges to trust them to give opportunity and asks the youth to raise their voice for their rights. Being a social work student, she is passionate to work in the social sector and has been grown experiences of working in many different organizations in the social development field.
In 2011 she was selected for global youth exchange program of VSO Nepal in coordination with VSO UK and got the opportunity to live, learn and work with international counterparts throughout the exchange in Surkhet Nepal and Plymouth UK. She is a recipient of the Fulbright scholarship from Dang district for her higher education. Nepali volunteered in Nepal right after the devastating mega-earthquake 2015. She has been working on reconstruction projects with different organizations in Nepal. As she belongs to a marginalized group, she has envisioned to unite youth and motivating them to spread the voice for the voiceless who are religious, culturally, socially, economically and historically oppressed, excluded and treated unfairly. Her biggest happiness is to make people happy.

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